Role of Enterococcus faecalis in the worsening of chronic liver disease

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This is a collaborative project with Dr. Cristel Archambaud (INRAE Île-de-France – Jouy-en-Josas – Antony research center, MICALIS Institute, Team CPE)

Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a progressive deterioration of liver functions, with no therapeutic options in the early stages and very few in the advanced stages. Among the most common forms of CLD are ALD and MASLD. ALD and MASLD patients have frequently dysbiotic microbiota with an overgrowth of enterococci. To date, Enterococcus faecalis is one of the rare bacteria for which a link between intestinal overgrowth and the severity of alcohol-related liver damage has been demonstrated. The infectious origin of CLD remains to be deeper investigated. In particular, the consequences of infection on liver pathophysiology are still poorly understood, including the host response and associated mechanisms. We aim to identify the host conditions that support E. faecalis liver infection and to decipher the host and bacterial mechanisms involved in liver damage.

Nunez N, Derré-Bobillot A, Trainel N, Lakisic G, Lecomte A, Mercier-Nomé F, Cassard AM, Bierne H, Serror P, Archambaud C. The unforeseen intracellular lifestyle of Enterococcus faecalis in hepatocytes. Gut Microbes. 2022 Jan-Dec;14(1):2058851. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2058851.

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